The Logtell Project

  An Interactive Storytelling System for TV, Cinema, and Web

A Research Consortium



News - Highlights

  • Best Paper Award


    The Logtell Project won the Best Paper Award in the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment. Read more...

    SBgames 2019
  • Best Paper Award


    The Logtell Project won the Best Paper Award in the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment. Read more...

    SBgames 2018
  • Best Paper Award


    The Logtell Project won the Best Paper Award in the XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment.

    SBgames 2016
  • Best Paper Award


    The Logtell Project won the Best Paper Award in the 14th International Conference on Entertainment Computing.

    ICEC 2015
  • Best Paper Award


    The Logtell Project won an Honorable Mention for Best Paper in the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web.

    WebMedia 2014
  • Honorable Mention


    Edirlei Soares de Lima won an Honorable Mention from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Read more...

    Honorable Mention
  • SBGames 2012


    The Logtell Project published a paper on natural language interface for Interactive Cinema/TV. Read more...

    SBGames 2012

Member Area


  Accepted Papers at SBGames 2011 - (October, 2011)

The Logtell Project have 3 full papers accepted at SBGames 2011 (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment). The SBGames is the largest and most important event for games and digital entertainment in Latin America. The eleventh edition of SBGames will be held in Salvador, Brazil, on November 7-9, 2011.

The accepted papers are:

Multimodal, Multi-User and Adaptive Interaction for Interactive Storytelling Applications.
Lima, E.S., Feijo, B., Barbosa, S., Silva, F.G., Furtado, A.L., Pozzer, C.T., Ciarlini, A.E.M.

Supporting Characters in Interactive Storytelling.
Limberger, R., Pozzer, C.T., Feijo, B., Lima, E.S.

The Usage of the Structural-Affect Theory of Stories for Narrative Generation.
Albuquerque, A., Pozzer, C.T., Ciarlini, A.E.M.