Pedro Cavalcante

Ilustrador, Concept Artist, Animador, e Escritor
Estudante de Design em Comunicação Visual na PUC-Rio. Interessado por filmes, livros, games e arte, apaixonado por contar histórias fantásticas através de diversas mídias.

Pedro de Andrade Marcial Gomes

Game Designer, screenwriter and Project Manager. Computer Science graduate student at PUC-Rio and full time RPG Dungeon Master.

Mariana Souza

Carioca freelance illustrator passionate about visual narratives. She is mainly interested in the areas of conceptual art, game design, comics and other visual development areas as well as editorial design and child book illustration. She studies Visual Communication Design and is a concept artist on the ICAD Games / Vision Lab team at PUC-Rio.

Matheus Amorim

Carioca, lover of the sea, passionate about games and narratives that approach diverse cultures and mythologies. Cheerful and humorous, he is interested in the areas of art design and narrative, despite being the generalist member of the team. He studies Design in Digital Media and is UX Designer, Game Designer and General Designer at the ICAD Games / Vision Lab team at PUC-Rio.

Leonardo Malavasi

Game Designer, Writer and Project Manager.
Digital Media Design student in PUC-Rio, has a longstanding love for electronic games and his narratives, are interested in the areas of storytelling, team management and interactive technology.