Paper&Pencil Augmented Reality Game
Pervasive Mobile Games
Pervasiveness can be recognized in a game by its boundaries that expand every time it is played, from the virtual (or fictional) world to the real world. Pervasive games are a new form of digital entertainment that has evolved in different forms, such as alternate reality games, transmedia games, and crossmedia games. Sensor technologies, networking capabilities, augmented reality systems, computer vision technology, the internet, and, especially, mobile devices have been responsible for the rapid evolution of this new form of digital product. We bear in mind that mobile devices are currently the main driver for fulfilling the promises of pervasive game playing. Our investigations and experiments on this class of games have the objective of to enhance the insight into pervasiveness and to reveal important guidelines for game designers and programmers.
People: Luis Valente, Bruno Feijó, Esteban Clua, Julio Cesar Leite
Valente, L. ; Feijó, B. ; LEITE, J. C. ; Clua, E. A method to assess pervasive qualities in mobile games. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Online), v. 1, p. 1-24, 2017.
VALENTE, L. ; FEIJO, B. ; LEITE, J. C. S. P. 2013.. Features and Checklists to Assist in Pervasive Mobile Game Development. In: Proc. of SBGames 2013 – XII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, 2013, São Paulo. SBC, 2013. v. 1. p. 90-99. PDF
Valente, Luis ; Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius de ; FEIJO, B. 2009. Turn off the graphics: designing non-visual interfaces for mobile phone games. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, v. 15, p. 45-58. PDF
New Processes for VFX in Television Production
New VFX processes are investigated to fit the low budget of TV production without deteriorating simulation quality. This is a project under NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement); therefore, not all results can be accessed.
People: Rodrigo Marques, Bruno Feijó, Aarão Marins, Pablo Bioni
MARQUES, RODRIGO; FEIJO, B.; Bioni, P.; Frensh, T.; Monteiro, D. Real Time 360 Video Stitching and Streaming In: SIGGRAPH 2016, 2016, Los Angeles. SIGGRAPH Poster. ACM, 2016. v.1. p.1 – 1
MARQUES, RODRIGO; Bioni, P.; FEIJO, B. Multiple Camera Mapping In: GTC 2015 – GPU Technology Conference, 2015, San Jose. GTC 2915 Posters. NVIDIA, 2015. v.1. p.1 – 1
Lutfi,A; Feijo,B. 2014. Automatic mapping of fiducial markers for special effects production using LightCraft. ICAD/VisionLab Technical Report TR-02/14 [in Portuguese]. PDF
Marins, A.I.M. 2013. A method for massive agents simulation of sea scenes for TV / Film productions. MSc Dissertation, Dept. of Informatics, PUC-Rio, Jan 2014. [in Portuguese]. PDF
MARQUES, Rodrigo; BIONI, Pablo; FEIJÓ, Bruno. Accelerated 4K Video Stitching for Digital Backlots. In: GTC On-Demand, Research Poster, Section Computer Vision, ID P0188 Poster C001, GPU Tech Conf – GTC 2013, March 18-21, 2013, Sao Jose, CA. PDF
MARQUES, RODRIGO; FEIJO, B.; Bioni, P. Real-time Mixed Water Simulation and Rendering Techniques for Visual Effects In: GTC 2012 – GPU Technology Conference, 2012, San Jose. GTC 2012 POsters. NVIDIA, 2012. v.1. p.1 – 1
Digital Contents:
Interactive Objects in High-Definition Video
A method for real-time object tracking in high-definition (HD) videos is investigated. There are few works in the literature considering HD and multiple objects in real time. Good solutions for this problem are of paramount importance when we have interactive hot spots and real-time compositing processes in interactive digital television.
People: Gustavo Costa, Bruno Feijó, Hélio Lopes, Raul Feitosa
Moreira, G.C.G. A method for real-time object detection in HD videos using frame segmentation and foreground integral image. PhD Thesis, April 2014, Dept. of Informatics, PUC-Rio. [in Portuguese].
MOREIRA, G. ; FEIJO, B. ; LOPES, H. ; FEITOSA, R. Q. . Real-time Object Tracking in High-Definition Video Using Frame Segmentation and Background Integral Images. In: SIBGRAPI 2013 Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images, 2013, Arequipa. Proceedings of the XVIII Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images – SIBGRAPI 2013, 2013. v. 1. p. 1-8. PDF
Digital Contents:
The Interactive Comics Project
Comics are a unique and classical form of storytelling. The advent of interactive narratives brings the possibility of interaction to the traditional comic books. In this project we search for an interactive comics system that is capable of generating dynamic interactive narratives in the format of comic books. The system should allow users to interact with certain objects and to observe the consequences of their actions in the unfolding story.
People: Edirlei Lima, Bruno Feijó, Antonio Furtado, Angelo Ciarlini, Cesar Pozzer
Soares de Lima, Edirlei ; Feijó, Bruno ; FURTADO, ANTONIO L. ; Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Simone ; Pozzer, Cesar T. ; Ciarlini, Angelo E. M. 2013. Non-branching Interactive Comics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Boekelo: Springer International Publishing, 2013, vol. 8253, p. 230-245.
Digital Contents:
Video-Based Interactive Storytelling
Usually, interactive storytelling systems adopt computer graphics to represent the virtual story worlds, which facilitates the dynamic generation of visual content. Although animation is a powerful storytelling medium, live-action films are still attracting more attention from the general public. In addition, despite the recent progress in graphics rendering and the wide-scale acceptance of 3D animation in films, the visual quality of video is still far superior to that of real-time generated computer graphics. In this project, we propose a new approach to create more engaging interactive narratives, denominated “Video-Based Interactive Storytelling”, where characters and virtual environments are replaced by real actors and settings, without losing the logical structure of the narrative.
People: Edirlei Lima, Bruno Feijó, Antonio Furtado
Lima, E.E.S.; Feijó, B. ; FURTADO, A. L. Video-based interactive storytelling using real-time video compositing techniques. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, v. 1, p. 1-25, 2017. doi. PDF.
Lima, E.E.S. 2014. Video-based Interactive Storytelling. PhD Thesis, Dept. of Informatics, PUC-Rio, August 2014. PDF.
Digital Contents:
Educational Models for Technical Secondary Schools
This project searches for new models of school where a research center and a production center live in a symbiotic manner. Structural changes in the traditional school model must be identified. These changes are imperative if we are to keep that subsystem of society up with the contemporary world. This project investigates particularities of Brazilian technical secondary schools and focusses on programming learning, computational thinking, and multimedia languages that should be present in educational processes.
This project was initially a partnership with Oi Futuro (2009 – 2015), which created the NAVE (Nucleus of Advanced Education) – NAVE was also a Microsoft World Tour School (see #28).
People: Main Researchers – Monica Costa, Bruno Feijó, Andréia Resende.
Costa, M.; Feijó, B.; Resende, A.; Couto, M. Production and research put together on restructuring the school environment. Monographs on Computer Science, MCC 10/12 [in Portuguese]. PDF
Digital Contents:
NAVE Multimedia Sandbox (Student Experiments – Digital Media in Education)
Learning Objects – Prototypes